Koh Samui, Thailand’s Bizarre Buffalo Fights

Koh Samui Buffalo

Kirsten via Creative Commons (Flickr)

When you think of fighting bovines, whether it’s Spain’s Running of the Bulls or a good old Texas rodeo, you probably don’t see pleasant images. You also probably don’t think of Thailand, which makes the buffalo fights on Koh Samui island – and their decidedly peaceful, human nature – all the more surprising. Take a break from the beach the next time your travels take you to the Gulf of Thailand and check out one of Koh Samui’s not-so-famous buffalo fights.

One fact that is certain about Koh Samui’s buffalo fights, however, is that they’re human, at least when compared to the gorier matches in Spain or Texas. Participants go to great lengths to make sure no harm comes to the Buffalo during fights, which will come as a huge relief if you’re concerned about animal welfare.

A Blessed Ritual

One explanation for the development of buffalo fighting on Koh Samui might lie in Thailand’s Buddhist heritage. If you attend a Koh Samui buffalo fight, you’ll notice two robe-clad men approaching the buffalos and spraying them with some kind of substance – the men are monks and the substance is holy water. You’ll also probably notice the buffalos themselves, which the monks sometimes adorned with real gold leaf, are not unlike Thailand’s Buddhist temples in their ornate decorations.

Likewise, you shouldn’t expect an extremely rowdy mood in the crowd most of the time, although it can be more or less hectic depending on which beverage locals choose that evening and also, the predominant social class of the people at the fight you attend. Buffalo fights can range from sophisticated gatherings that are a practically black tie, to little more than an excuse to get together and drink.

The Best Time to See Koh Samui Buffalo Fights

If you’re curious about seeing a buffalo fight the next time you visit Koh Samui, the surest bet is to plan your trip around either New Year’s Day or Songkran, the Thai New Year. This will, of course, result in higher prices on Koh Samui hotels, but if you want to be certain you catch a buffalo fight, you’ll have to deal with the extra expenditure.

With this being said, Buffalo fights do happen throughout the year, in designated stadiums all around the island. Due to both the sacred nature of the fights, and the fact that they aren’t yet a huge tourist draw, the stadiums don’t tend to exist in areas Westerners frequent, so your best bet for finding one is to befriend a local (hint: your hotel’s receptionist is a great start for this) and ask if he knows when the next fight will occur. If you’re lucky, he might even be a fan and invite you to come along with him and his friends!


source: https://www.tripsavvy.com